edition of 333
Higher TILT - Music #5





    IFT MY EYELIDS HIGH!!! Bitter taste of yesterday's green, but oh so sweet it seemed. Took a deep inhale, the flavor's back and it's supreme. Contrast sharper, colors richer, reaction's a bit dimmer, Compensate with bright lights, imagination's the winner. Writing these lines, riding the same high, Bad weather, bad moods, the green wonder's a sly guy. But I remember it's all a mirage, denial's own stage, A poorly hidden lie, but from the herb, I feel the rage.

    Inhale the illusion's residue, forget troubles for a few, Fill the air with smoke so fine, shed the stress, not the line. But don't get too cozy, or the green wonder turns nosy, Just a little goes a long way, keep it smart, that's the play.

    RAISE THE CURTAINS, START THE SHOW!!! The green's a trickster, a sweet deceiver, a shadow boxer, Dancing in the ring, it swings, life's paradoxer. One moment it's heaven, the next it's a lesson, Teaching me limits, with each session a confession. It's a balancing act, walking this smoky tightrope, Too much and you're falling, too little and you can't cope.

    Inhale the illusion's residue, forget troubles for a few, Fill the air with smoke so fine, shed the stress, not the line. But don't get too cozy, or the green wonder turns nosy, Just a little goes a long way, keep it smart, that's the play.

    OPEN YOUR MIND, LET IT FLY!!! The herb's a teacher, a preacher, a late-night reacher, Pulls you up when you're down, a real soul breacher. But it's a double-edged sword, a tricky accord, Too much and you're lost, in a world you can't afford.

    It's all about the balance, the perfect dance, Too much green, you miss the chance, To see the world, to live the stance, Of life's great play, not left to chance.

    Inhale the illusion's residue, forget troubles for a few, Fill the air with smoke so fine, shed the stress, not the line. But don't get too cozy, or the green wonder turns nosy, Just a little goes a long way, keep it smart, that's the play.